What Motivates You?: The Fight Between Living by the Flesh and Living by the Spirit: Romans 8:5

Faithfulness to God isn’t always easy, and it often requires us to make sacrifices. In the Bible, we read about many people who had to give up a lot in order to follow God. However, giving up something for God is much easier said than done. For many people reading this, making that kind of sacrifice is much more challenging than it sounds. Why? Because our fleshly desires constantly pull us away from God in so many different ways. When we “walk after the flesh” instead of living by the Holy Spirit, our lives are filled with things like unrepentant sin and idolatry (Romans 8:5; Galatians 5:19-21). However, when we live by the Spirit—submitting ourselves completely and exclusively to the Holy Spirit—we find that amazing benefits are awaiting us. If you’re reading this blog post right now and feeling challenged about your commitment to Christ or your faithfulness to Him, don’t worry!

Those who are motivated by the flesh only pursue what benefits themselves. But those who live by the impulses of the Holy Spirit are motivated to pursue spiritual realities. For the mindset of the flesh is death, but the mindset controlled by the Spirit finds life and peace.
Romans 8:5–6

It’s Human Nature to Go Against God’s Will

It’s actually natural for people to turn away from God’s will and go their own way. In fact, it’s one of the most basic principles of Biblical psychology. When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them a straightforward instruction: don’t eat the forbidden tree’s fruit. However, as soon as they disobeyed this one command, all sin entered the world, and everything changed. Now, let’s be clear here: sin is not a mistake or a misstep but a deliberate and willful decision to disobey God. Although Adam and Eve didn’t know the full consequences of their actions, they were still responsible for their decision to disobey their Creator. This is a principle that applies to everyone: we all have a basic, inherent tendency to turn away from God and disobey Him, even though we know better.

When You Live by the Spirit, You Can Experience New Things

One of the benefits of living by the Spirit is that we become familiar with new and exciting spiritual experiences. What’s the difference between these spiritual experiences and everyday life? To put it simply, these encounters are given to us by the Holy Spirit and are different from the things we can do on our own. A good example is when we experience “the joy of the Lord” (Nehemiah 8:10; Psalm 16:11). This is different from the happiness we get from eating chocolate or watching a funny movie. A more profound and lasting joy comes from a relationship with God. When you’re living by the Holy Spirit, you’re also likely to experience things such as peace, love, and boldness. These aren’t natural or normal emotions; they’re gifts from God flowing through us when walking closely with Him.

When You Live by the Flesh, There are Good Reasons to Doubt and Struggle

One of the reasons it’s so essential to choose to walk in the Spirit and not the flesh is because the flesh makes it hard to be faithful to God. It’s true: living by the flesh means fighting against God and constantly struggling to do His will. When we live by the flesh, we’re under the power of sin and aren’t able to do what God wants (Galatians 5:16). When you’re living by the flesh, you’ll notice that you’re more likely to resent God, struggle with doubt and uncertainty, and experience fear and worry. You’ll also be more likely to make poor decisions, take wrong courses of action, and fall into unrepentant sin.

Romans 8:5 Is a Great Reminder About Our Habits Because of Our Nature

One of the best things about the Bible is that it’s not just a collection of verses and stories; it’s also a collection of wisdom about human nature. When you read the Bible, you can learn a lot about your own psychology and what makes you tick. When you read about the fight between living by the Spirit and living by the flesh, Romans 8:5 is an excellent reminder of the root cause behind this battle. This verse reminds us that when we “walk in the Spirit,” it’s because we’ve been “transformed by the Spirit.” In other words, when we walk in the Spirit, it’s because we’ve been given new natures that are now more aligned with the Spirit and less aligned with the flesh. This means that if you struggle to live by the Spirit, it’s not because you’re weak or lacking in faith. Instead, it’s because you’ve got a fleshly nature and a spirit inside of you that’s in conflict with each other.

The Point of Living By the Spirit, NOT By the Flesh

The fight between living by the flesh and living by the Spirit is never-ending. It’s like a tug-of-war, where two sides are constantly trying to pull you in opposite directions. When you choose to live by the Spirit, you decide to break the power of sin in your life. When you’re living by the Spirit, you’re choosing to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide and direct you. In other words, you give the Spirit control over your life and actions. When you do this, the Holy Spirit can help you grow in faith, knowledge, and virtue.

What Motivates You to be faithful to God?

If we’re going to be faithful to God, we first have to choose to do so. One way we can do this is by asking ourselves what motivates us to be faithful to God. After all, talking about being faithful to God and making sacrifices for Him when everything is going great in your life is easy. When you’re healthy, comfortable, and happy, it’s easy to be faithful to God and not struggle with sin. However, it’s a lot tougher to stay faithful to God when you’re sick, facing a crisis, or struggling with a problem. At these times, it’s helpful to ask yourself what motivates you to keep being faithful to God. What keeps you going when you’re sick and don’t feel like going to church? What keeps you from giving up when you’re going through a tough time?

Final Words

There are many benefits to living by the Spirit instead of living by the flesh. When you’re living by the Spirit, you’re more likely to experience God’s love and grace, find comfort and strength in Him, and be able to resist temptation. You’re also more likely to make wise choices, grow as a Christian, and be successful in anything you put your hand to. When you’re living by the Spirit, you’re truly following God’s will and putting yourself on the path to eternal life.

Bruce Mitchell
1 Peter 4:8

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