What Does It Mean to Be Compassionate? The Meaning of 1 Peter 4:9

Compassion is the ability to feel and respond to another person’s pain. The word compassion comes from the Latin word “co-,” which means “with,” and “passio,” which means “suffering.” Therefore, to be compassionate means that you suffer with another person. At its core, being a compassionate person is about putting others first. It’s about thinking of others before yourself and not judging them based on what you see on the outside but who they are on the inside. Read further to understand the meaning of being compassionate, as Peter explains in 1 Peter 4:9.

Be compassionate to foreigners without complaining.
1 Peter 4:9

1 Peter 4:9 in context

When we look at 1 Peter 4:9 in context, we can see that the writer, Peter, is talking to the church. He tells them to show “compassion” to those who are mistreating them. This can be interpreted as being kind to someone, even when they don’t deserve it. Peter is telling Christians to love others who don’t love them back. He also mentions that we should show compassion to others because we, too, have been mistreated. This can be interpreted as the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” When we show compassion to others, we are, in turn, showing ourselves compassion.

What Does the Bible Say About Being Compassionate?

Peter tells Christians in 1 Peter 4:9 to “show consideration to everyone.” He then goes on to say that our compassion should not just be limited to the people in our church but also the people who mistreat the people who don’t believe in God and us. Peter explains in 1 Peter 4:9 that we should have a “compassionate heart” towards others. He goes on to say that we should show others “brotherly love.” In other words, we should love others as we love ourselves. We should also show others “love and good deeds.” Peter is essentially asking Christians to be kind and generous to everyone.

Why Is It Important to Be Compassionate?

Being compassionate is essential because we will feel better about ourselves as human beings. We will feel like we are doing something good with our lives. We are making the world a better place when we show compassion towards others. If we are compassionate towards people who don’t believe in God, we will be able to help them find a better way of life. We will be able to show them a way in which they can be happy. If we are compassionate towards people who mistreat us, we will be able to maintain a healthy mental state. It’s easy to get carried away with feelings of anger and hatred towards others. But if we are compassionate, we will be able to control our emotions and not become consumed by hatred.

How Can We Be More Compassionate?

There are many ways in which we can be more compassionate. – First, we can pray for those struggling in our lives. We can ask God to give us the strength to help them deal with their troubles and find comfort in the Lord. – Second, we can try to put ourselves in other people’s shoes. It’s easy to assume that everyone is happy and has their lives figured out. But we know that this isn’t true because we’ve all dealt with some sort of struggles in life. If we can put ourselves in other people’s shoes, we will be able to understand them better and show them compassion. – Third, we can read the Bible. The Bible is a book that tells us about God’s love for us. It’s a book that teaches us how to be better people and find comfort in our faith. – Fourth, we can volunteer at a charity or on a mission trip. Volunteering is a great way to show people that you care about them.

Biblical Counseling Advice for Being More Compassionate

Being more compassionate is a great idea. But we also need to make sure that we are not mistreating ourselves in the process. We can do this by setting boundaries. – First, we need to recognize our limits. We all have a set of things that we can do and things that we cannot do. We need to learn what our limits are and not try to go over them. If we recognize our limits, we will be able to avoid getting burned out or over-stressed. – Second, we need to be honest with ourselves and other people. It’s important to own up to our mistakes and apologize to people when we have done something wrong. At the same time, we need to make sure that we are not telling people things that aren’t true. We need to be honest with others so that they can trust us and know that we are a good person to have in their lives. – Third, we need to work on our self-esteem.


Being compassionate is more than a nice thing to do. It’s a requirement. We must love others just as God loves us. And when we show others compassion, we are showing God’s love for them. Therefore, when we show compassion, we’re putting God’s word into practice. When you take the time to show compassion towards others, you will feel better about yourself. You will be happier and feel like you are making a difference in your life.

Bruce Mitchell
1 Peter 4:8

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