Galatians 5:15 – A Biblical Perspective on Criticism and Conflict

Anyone who has ever been involved in an organization or team knows that it’ll likely experience some conflict and criticism. Whether you are a part of a ministry, small group, or any other type of group, conflict, and criticism seem to be natural. When it comes to conflict or criticism in the church, some Christians worry that something is wrong when we see these things happening. After all, Jesus Himself affirmed that the world will hate us and reject us as disciples of Christ (John 15:19). Yet, this doesn’t mean that we should recoil from conflict or criticism in the church. Instead, it’s an opportunity for us to examine and strengthen our faith to prepare us for such things. Here are a few principles from Galatians 5:15-26 to help you confidently navigate conflict or criticism in your church.

But if you continue to criticize and come against each other over minor issues, you act like wild beasts trying to destroy one another!
As you yield freely and fully to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit, you will abandon the cravings of your self-life. For your self-life craves the things that offend the Holy Spirit and hinder him from living free within you! And the Holy Spirit’s intense cravings hinder your old self-life from dominating you! So then, the two incompatible and conflicting forces within you are your self-life of the flesh and the new creation life of the Spirit.
But when you are brought into the total freedom of the Spirit of grace, you will no longer live under the law’s domination but soar above it!
 The cravings of the self-life are obvious: Sexual immorality, lustful thoughts, pornography, chasing after things instead of God, manipulating others, hatred of those who get in your way, senseless arguments, resentment when others are favored, temper tantrums, angry quarrels, only thinking of yourself, being in love with your own opinions, being envious of the blessings of others, murder, uncontrolled addictions, wild parties, and all other similar behavior.
Haven’t I already warned you that those who use their “freedom” for these things will not inherit the kingdom realm of God!
 But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions:
joy that overflows,
a peace that subdues,
patience that endures,
kindness in action,
faith that prevails,
gentleness of heart, and
strength of Spirit.
Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless.
Remember that we who belong to Jesus, the Anointed One, have already experienced crucifixion. Everything connected with our self-life was put to death on the cross and crucified with Messiah.  We must live in the Holy Spirit and follow after him. So may we never be arrogant or look down on another, for each of us is an original. We must forsake all jealousy that diminishes the value of others.
Galatians 5:15–26

Is it normal to experience conflict and criticism in the church?

No one is immune from conflict and criticism in the church. In fact, these things are often predictable. Since we are all flawed human beings living in a broken world, we will face conflict and criticism in some way, shape, or form. Sometimes, these things become very public, affecting several people and creating an unfortunate mess. Other times, they are more contained and don’t get much attention. Either way, these situations happen, and we need to understand how to navigate them.

Don’t fear or panic when you experience conflict or criticism.

Some Christians get so anxious when they experience conflict or criticism that they worry excessively that they are in danger of being kicked out of the church. So, they try to avoid any type of conflict, even if it’s necessary. Others go to the other extreme and become so combative and aggressive in their approach that they look like they are heading down a path towards expulsion. Don’t let the anxiety or panic of others or your own irrational fears cause you to overreact. Instead, don’t be afraid of conflict or criticism in the church, but don’t be eager for it either. Remember that God will use these things to refine you if you allow Him to do so. Don’t be quick to throw daggers, but don’t be afraid to defend yourself from false accusations. Be wise, but stay calm and seek out wise counsel as you navigate these situations.

Confidence is found in knowing that God will not abandon you.

As we just noted, God will often use conflict and criticism to refine you and make you stronger. But this doesn’t mean that He’ll leave you hanging. He’ll be with you through these situations and strengthen you as you go through them. So, don’t panic as you go through these things, but don’t be passive, either. Remember that God will be with you and will give you strength as you go through these things. But, He also expects you to be actively engaging with these situations. Don’t sit idly by while others criticize you when you could be defending yourself. Don’t sit in silence while others are trying to slander your name. Don’t be naive and think it won’t happen to you. Instead, be wise and prepare yourself for these things. God will be with you throughout.

Stay humble and keep your trust in God, not in human beings.

Humility will help you navigate these situations with confidence and strength. Remember that even if you are fully justified in your actions or words, you are still a sinful human being and don’t deserve to be treated well by others. You deserve to be criticized and rebuked if you are in the wrong. Don’t be prideful in the way that you handle these situations. Instead, trust that God is on your side and has your best interests at heart. He will be with you as you navigate these situations and help you respond the right way. Don’t try to be more important than you are. Don’t try to silence others or be overly combative and defensive. Instead, trust that God is on your side and that He will help you navigate these situations in the right way.

Be quick to forgive and have a short memory. Don’t hold grudges.

When someone has wronged you, forgive them quickly. Please recognize that you are also probably wrong in how you are responding to them. Ask God to help you respond correctly to those who have hurt you. Be quick to forgive, and don’t hold grudges. Don’t let the wrongs others have done to you fester and grow so large that they consume you. Those who hurt you may even regret what they have done and want to make amends, but hold no grudge against them. Don’t let the wrongs others have done to you prevent you from doing what is right. If you have wronged someone and they have asked you to make amends, do so. But, be quick to forgive and have a short memory. Don’t let past wrongs hinder present relationships.


Conflict and criticism make us stronger if we respond to them wisely. Remember that God will be with you through these situations and help you react in the right way. Don’t fear these things or panic when you go through them. Just be quick to forgive and have a short memory. Don’t hold grudges, but be quick to repent when you make a mistake and be proactive in defending yourself when you are falsely attacked. Be humble and keep your trust in God; He will strengthen you through these situations so that you can serve Him better.

Bruce Mitchell
1 Peter 4:8

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