Galatians 6:2 in Practice: How Can I Bear One Another’s Burdens?

Share each other’s burdens, and in this way, obey the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2

In Galatians 6:2, the apostle Paul reminds us that we will one day stand before God to give an account of how we used our time and resources. As his followers, we are also called to live a life of love and service. These actions involve bearing one another’s burdens as well as assuming responsibility for meeting the needs of others. These responsibilities don’t involve giving handouts or taking advantage of needy people. Rather, they require meeting people where they are and helping them discover their potential by removing obstacles from their path. The truth is that bearing another’s burden involves doing things you would probably rather not do—things like spending time and energy on someone who isn’t interested in investing in you…

Give Time

If you have the means to do so, giving time to people in need is a great way to love others. If a family member or friend is facing a difficult situation, helping them work through it is a great way to show love. The same is true if you see a need in your community. For example, you can get involved in coaching a sports team for kids who can’t afford to participate in organized sports. This is more than just making a donation to a charity; it is getting involved in the lives of others. Vary your service. If you find yourself always doing the same thing, you’ll get bored and start to resent your service. Rotate your activities, so you always feel like you’re doing something worthwhile.

Give Care and Encouragement

We all need encouragement from time to time. If you know someone who is struggling, consider taking the time to talk with them about their situation and how God can help them. You don’t have all the answers, but you have to love them enough to be willing to listen. You can also provide encouragement through letters or emails. If you know someone who is going through a difficult time, consider writing them a letter or an email to let them know you’re thinking about them.

Give Service

How do you give service? There are many ways to do this, depending on your situation. If you can do so, volunteering your time to a cause you believe in is one way to show love to others. Perhaps you can tutor kids who are struggling in school or help in a local senior center that provides meals for people. You might also be able to donate to a good cause by helping a friend who is trying to raise money for a worthy cause.

Bear the Burdens of Others

Bearing the burdens of others is one of the ways we show love to others. To do this, you need to be able to identify a person’s needs rather than their wants. Let’s say your neighbor has been having health issues and is having trouble keeping up with his yard work. If you offer to mow his grass, that’s bearing his burden. But, if you offer to mow his grass and weed his flowerbeds as well, you’ve gone above and beyond.

Take Responsibility for Those in Need

As we’ve said, the best way to take responsibility for someone is to meet their needs. The best way to do this is to ask the person what they need. If you don’t know anyone in need, find an organization that helps people in similar situations and offers to help them.


Bearing one another’s burdens is an important part of being a follower of Christ. If we meet the needs of others, God will meet our needs. This doesn’t mean that if you help someone, you’ll get what you want. Rather, if you meet the needs of others, God will bless you with the desires of your heart.

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