Be Patient, Bearing With One Another

with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love
Ephesians 4:2

Here in this verse, we have a foundation of unity for us as Christians. We do not need to, or should we, as brothers and sisters in Christ, not enjoy the unity that our fellowship with each other should bring.

Let’s look at what makes up this foundation of unity. As you do, please reflect on how you could have handled situations differently and think about what Paul told us in the past.

What lies behind the discord in many groups? Pride, and what is the anthesis of pride? Well, it is being humble. So being humble is a staple for unity, and pride is a me-first problem. Being humble causes you to put others first and their needs (or wants) before your own.

Being gentle or meek. Meekness is the ability not to assert your rights when you think your rights are being taken away. Meekness is not weakness. It is the gentleness of the strong. Jesus himself said blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Now Paul tells us to be patient and to bear with one another. These two go together. Being patient shows an attitude to those that aggravate you that glorify Christ. Bearing with one another shows tolerance between groups so they can live peacefully.

Now this foundation that Paul lays out for us is now covered with Love (agape). You know, it’s this love Christ commanded us to show one another. And Paul follows this with: Make every effort to keep the unity.

Isn’t it amazing how simple unity can be when the parts are broken down, and let’s face it, the whole is so much greater than the sum of the parts?

Next time you are feeling a situation that lacks the peace that unity can bring, please ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Am I proud, or am I emulating Jesus, who was humble to the point of death, so that we could spend eternity with him?
  2. Am I showing gentleness or meekness? Am I allowing the strength of Christ to flow through me, not demanding something because I feel it is my right?
  3. Am I being patient toward someone that is aggravating me?
  4. Am I tolerating a Christian that may not agree with me on the little thing?
  5. Do I love my brother or sister in Christ like Christ loved me?
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Bruce Mitchell Bear With, Love, One Another

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