The Ripple Effect of Faith: Witnessing a Friend’s Baptism

Tomorrow, I hope to stand on the shore of the lake, my heart swelling with indescribable joy. I hope to have the privilege of witnessing a moment that, as a pastor and friend of 50 years, I’ve prayed for countless times—the baptism of a friend from youth.

Though we were never very close, our friendship has weathered five decades of life’s storms and celebrations—with laughter, tears, and everything in between. But nothing could have prepared me for the overwhelming emotion of seeing my old friend take this transformative step in their faith journey.

A Dramatic Conversion

The path that led us here wasn’t always smooth. Like many, my friend’s journey to faith was marked by questions, doubts, and struggles. But when the revelation came, it was nothing short of dramatic. I saw the announcement on Facebook with excitement and awe, seeing that she had encountered Jesus changed everything.

Baptism: A Sacred Moment

The lake will charge the air with anticipation tomorrow. The water will lap gently at the shore, a living metaphor for the cleansing and renewal that’s about to take place. Friends and family have come from far and wide, and their presence is a testament to the impact of this decision.

As my friend prepares to wade into the cool water, I’m struck by its symbolism. The vast and deep lake reminds us of God’s boundless love. The act of immersion and emergence beautifully illustrates dying to an old life and rising to a new one in Christ.

The Joy of New Beginnings

When she emerges from the water, her face will be radiant with joy, and a cheer will erupt from the shore. Tears of happiness will stream down my face, mixing with the droplets of lake water. At this moment, I’m not just a pastor observing this ritual—I’m a friend celebrating a profound milestone in a loved one’s life.

This baptism is more than just a religious ceremony; it’s a public declaration of faith, a commitment to a new way of life, and a celebration of God’s transformative power. As I embrace my newly baptized friend, I’m overwhelmed by gratitude for being part of this beautiful journey.

A Ripple of Faith

Just as a stone thrown into a lake creates ripples that extend far beyond its point of impact, I know that this moment will have far-reaching effects. It’s a testament to the fact that it’s never too late to start anew, to find faith, and to embrace a life-changing relationship with Jesus.

To those reading this, whether you’re on your own faith journey or supporting someone else’s, know that moments like these are worth every prayer, every conversation, and every year of friendship. They remind us of the joy that comes from following Jesus and the beauty of supporting one another in faith.

If you’re considering taking this step of faith yourself, or if you know someone who is, I encourage you to reach out to a local church or a trusted pastor. The journey of faith is not meant to be walked alone, and there’s indescribable joy in both taking that step and supporting others as they do.

I’ll cherish the day by the lake for the rest of my life—a day when the joy of heaven touched earth and a friendship of 50 years was forever transformed by the love of Christ.

In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away!
Luke 15:7




About the Author

Allow us to introduce you to Bruce Mitchell – a true devotee of the Word, a guiding light in the midst of chaos, and a compassionate shepherd to his congregation. His role extends beyond that of a mere speaker; he is an ardent Bible instructor, a devoted Pastor, and an impassioned writer who strives to infuse heavenly wisdom into our daily lives.

Bruce takes great pleasure in having pursued his education at both Biola University and Dallas Theological Seminary. His heart beats with the desire to share God’s profound love and boundless mercy with the world through his ministry, Agapao Allelon Ministries, as well as his blog, His mission? To interweave the principles of Agapao Allelon into society’s very fabric – embodying divine commandments such as Loving One Another and reflecting God’s immeasurable mercy, grace, and forgiveness in every aspect of our existence.

Drawing inspiration from 1 Peter 4:8, Bruce firmly believes that love possesses the transformative power necessary to turn an adversary into a friend. In accordance with 1 John 4:7-8, he maintains that without love, one cannot truly know God. And guided by Ephesians 4:31-32, he consistently implores us all to embrace love wholeheartedly just as Jesus loved us.

Bruce Mitchell is more than just another voice in this vast universe; he embodies unwavering faith paired with heartfelt empathy for others’ struggles. As always, he serves as our wise mentor, conveying insights gained from personal experiences while aiming to inspire and provide solace when needed most.

Join him as he unravels the essence of God’s word and helps you apply it in your daily life. Let’s share the love, as Jesus commanded!

Pastor | Bible Teacher | Speaker | Writer | Advocate for God’s Mercy, Grace & Love in daily life | He studied at both Biola University & Dallas Theological Seminary | 1 Peter 4:8

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