Our salvation is not achieved through our own efforts.

Our salvation is not something we can achieve on our own. It is not something we can earn or buy. Instead, it is found in the perfect life and death of Jesus Christ. Through Jesus, we have access to the righteousness of God. His life was one of perfect obedience to God’s law, and His death was one of perfect sacrifice for our sins. His perfect obedience allows us to be saved by grace and not by our own efforts. In Jesus, we have a Savior who is faithful to keep God’s law so that we can be saved from the consequences of our disobedience. Jesus’ life and death were the perfect examples of what it means to be obedient to God and to show love for others. Jesus made it possible for us to receive the gift of salvation through His perfect obedience and sacrifice.

We Could Seek to Follow the Law,

It is often said that we are to seek to follow the law and live a life of righteousness. The Bible makes it clear that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23), and no one can ever be perfect in keeping the law. We are all sinners, and the law is designed to recognize that fact and to help us stay away from sin and live a more righteous life.

That being said, no one can ever be perfect in keeping the law or obtaining righteousness by just following the law. No matter how hard we try, we cannot achieve perfection. We are flawed and fall short in our attempts to follow the law. We make mistakes, sin, and cannot be perfect in our efforts.

The Bible makes it clear that we are saved by the grace of God and not by our own efforts. We cannot achieve righteousness through our merit but only through the grace of God. That is why Jesus came to earth and died for our sins so that we may be saved. We can only become righteous by believing in Jesus and living according to His teachings.

That being said, it is still essential to follow the law and strive to live a righteous life. We should strive to do what is right and live a life of love and compassion. This can help us draw closer to God and be more aware of our sins and shortcomings. It can give us the strength and courage to make better choices and to live a life of integrity and righteousness.

In conclusion, while we all have sinned. No one can ever be perfect in keeping the law. No one can obtain righteousness through their own merit. However, it is still vital to seek to follow the law and live a life of righteousness. We must remember that we are saved by the grace of God and not through our own efforts. We should strive to do what is right and live a life of love and compassion. This is the only way to draw closer to God and become genuinely righteous.

However, We Are Not Without Hope!.

We are not without hope! This hope is found in Jesus Christ, who became a sacrifice for our sins and fulfilled the law perfectly so that we may be redeemed. As recorded in Hebrews 10:1-18, Jesus offered Himself as a single sacrifice for our sins, thereby putting an end to the system of animal sacrifices that had been in place for centuries. By His death, He provided a new way for us to be reconciled to God by faith in His perfect sacrifice.

Jesus was the ultimate fulfillment of the law through His death, the perfect Lamb of God who took away the world’s sin. His death meant that the law of the Old Testament had been fulfilled, and the need for animal sacrifices was no longer necessary. Jesus fulfilled the law perfectly so that all who believe in Him may be saved.

The Apostle Paul wrote, “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 5:1). Jesus provided the way for us to be right with God through faith in His perfect sacrifice. He became the bridge between God and us, providing access to God’s grace and mercy.

In addition to providing a way for us to be reconciled to God, Jesus has offered an example of how we should live our lives. He showed us what true love looks like and how we should treat others. He also showed us how to be humble and forgive those who have wronged us.

Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus provided us with hope. He is the hope of all who believe in Him, and He is the world’s hope. We can find our hope in Jesus, who became a perfect sacrifice for us and provided a way for us to be reconciled to God.

When we accept Jesus and Place our Faith in Him.

When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and place our faith in Him, our lives are changed incredibly. We are given a new nature and become children of God, no longer enslaved to sin. We are then given the power to live in holiness and righteousness, according to 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. This passage states that once we accept Christ, we are washed and sanctified, set apart for God’s purposes. We are no longer a part of the world but belong to Christ.

When we accept Jesus, we are given a new heart and spirit. We are no longer slaves to sin but are enabled to live in holiness and righteousness. We are empowered to put off the old sinful nature and the new nature given to us through Christ. We can resist temptation and live a life that is pleasing to God.

The power to live a holy life is not found in ourselves but in Christ. Through His death and resurrection, we are given the ability to be free from sin and live in obedience to God’s word. We are given a new nature that desires what is good, faithful, and holy. We can have joy and peace that surpasses all understanding as we live a life pleasing to God.

The transformation that occurs when we accept Jesus is not something we can do on our own. It is a supernatural transformation only made possible through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are called to be obedient to God’s word and to live a life that is pleasing to Him. As we continue to trust and seek God, He will enable us to live in holiness and righteousness, just as we were meant to.

Our Goal Should be to Live According to the Spirit, not the Flesh

Living a life of righteousness and peace can be difficult in a world full of sin and chaos. The Bible tells us this is not an impossible task, however, as we can find our strength and guidance in Jesus Christ. In Romans 8:1-13, Paul explains that we can live according to the spirit, not the flesh. We can do this by abiding in Jesus Christ and allowing Him to be our trustworthy source of righteousness and peace.

Jesus is the ultimate source of hope and mercy in our lives. With His grace, we can overcome any temptation of the world and live according to the spirit. We can learn to make more moral decisions and find more profound peace when we abide in His presence. The closer our relationship with Jesus is, the more we can rely on Him for strength and guidance.

We can learn to focus on the things of the spirit and not the desires of the flesh by meditating on the Word of God and praying regularly. When we spend time in the word and in prayer. We are reminded of the promises of God and His love for us. We can also use Scripture to combat temptation and fight against sin. By studying and applying the Word of God to our lives, we can learn to walk in the spirit and live according to His will.

Finally, we can also abide in Jesus by living a life of obedience. This means that we are willing to submit to the authority of God, even if it is difficult. We can trust that He will lead us in the best way for us, even if it doesn’t always make sense. When we trust Him, we can be sure that He will bring us closer to Him and help us live a good life.

Living according to the spirit and not the flesh is possible when we abide in Jesus Christ. We can rely on Him for strength and guidance as we strive to make righteous decisions and find more profound peace. As we meditate on His Word, pray regularly, and live a life of obedience. We can draw closer to Jesus and allow Him to be our trustworthy source of righteousness and peace.

Following the Example of Christ, we can Strive to Keep God’s Commandments out of Love.

We all want to be righteous and holy, but the truth is that apart from Jesus, we cannot keep God’s commandments in our own strength. Only through His example can we strive to keep God’s commandments out of love instead of trying to uphold them in our own strength.

Jesus Christ is our example of perfect righteousness. He perfectly kept the law of God, even when it was hard and even when He was tempted. He showed us that the power of God’s grace is more than enough to keep us from falling into sin. He also showed us that when we strive to keep the law of God out of love instead of trying to uphold it in our own strength, we will be filled with joy and peace.

Paul’s letter to the Romans, chapter 8, verses 1-13, speaks of this truth clearly. He says that “there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.” This verse teaches us that when we follow the example of Christ, we can be free from the law of sin and death. We are not saved by observing the law; however, we are saved by Jesus, who perfectly kept the law for us.

When we follow the example of Jesus, we can live in the freedom of His grace. We can strive to obey God’s laws out of love instead of trying to uphold them in our own strength. We can trust that He will provide us with the strength to keep His commandments. This way, even though we are not saved apart from God’s law, we are certainly saved by Jesus, who perfectly kept God’s law for us.


What do we mean when we say there is no salvation apart from Jesus? The truth is that we can’t save ourselves. It’s not that we don’t have access to the benefits of God’s laws and will never have access to them. We are still able to benefit from some of His righteousness and peace. However, we can’t make it happen for ourselves. One thing stands between us and those benefits: a Holy God who is determined to ensure that we are saved. That’s why knowledge of God’s requirements for salvation is so necessary.

Knowing whether you are saved by grace or works is also essential. Salvation is a gift from a Holy God when we allow Jesus Christ to come into our lives. But to be saved by grace is not based on anything we do. It doesn’t matter how much you try to be good; how much you try to live according to God’s law. It doesn’t matter how hard you try to please God. It doesn’t even matter how much you believe in Jesus. Salvation is a free gift when we ask Jesus to come into our lives and die for our sins.

But the Bible also says that there is a way that we can be saved by our works. When we try to save ourselves, we only make things worse. It’s like trying to fill a bucket with water when it already has a hole. We can’t make ourselves right with God by our actions; we need Jesus to do that for us. So, while we should strive to live according to God’s law and be obedient to Him, it will not save us. We need Jesus Christ and His grace to be saved.




Bruce Mitchell is a speaker, writer, and Bible teacher who loves to share God’s Word in everyday life. He has studied at Biola University and Dallas Theological Seminary. His blog (Allelon.us) is all about the principles of Agapao Allelon (Loving One Another) and God’s Mercy, Grace, Love, and Forgiveness and how it applies to our daily lives as Christ-Followers. (1 Peter 4:8)

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