Loving me empowers you to obey my commands.
John 14:15

Obedience to Jesus is the key to living a life full of joy and purpose. This is because Jesus is the source of all life and love; when we love Him, it gives us a powerful motivation to obey His commands. As John 14:15 states, Loving me empowers you to obey my commands.” This means that when we love Jesus, it gives us the power and strength to obey Him. Loving Jesus allows us to follow His commands and the passion and desire to do so. We can show our love to Him by living out His will and dedicating our lives to Him. This is how we can experience the joy and peace that comes from living a life devoted to Him.

Let’s Look at the Commands Jesus gave us in the Gospels.

Obedience to Jesus is the key to living a life full of joy and purpose. When we follow Jesus, we experience a sense of contentment and peace that comes from knowing we are doing His will. This is because Jesus is the source of all life and love; when we love Him, it gives us a powerful motivation to obey His commands. As John 14:15 says, “Loving me empowers you to obey my commands.” This means that when we love Jesus, it gives us the power and strength to obey Him. Loving Jesus allows us to follow His commands and gives us the passion and desire to do so. We can show our love to Him by living out His will and dedicating our lives to Him. This is how we can experience joy and peace from obedience to Jesus. When we follow Jesus and obey His commands, we can experience a life full of joy and purpose. We can rest in knowing that our lives are being used for God’s glory, and we can trust that He will never lead us astray. Obedience to Jesus brings us closer to Him and helps us to experience the fullness and joy of living a life according to His will.

Overview of Jesus’ commands :

1 Don’t call Jesus Lord when you don’t obey Him. Luke 6:46, Matthew 7:21.

2 Build on the rock of obedience to Jesus; otherwise, you will fall. Matthew 7:24-27, Luke 6:47-49.

3 Worship God alone. Matthew 4:10b, Luke 4:8.

4 Follow Jesus. Matthew 4:19, 11:28-30, Mark 1:17, John 1:43,12:26, 10:27, 21:22b.

5 Be salt and light to this world. Matthew 5:13-16 Mark 9:50, Luke 11:33, 14:34. John 3:21.

6 Don’t call your brother a fool. Matthew 5:22, 12:36.

7 Practice instant reconciliation. Matthew 5:24-25.

8 Do not look with lust at another; this is adultery in the heart. Matthew 5:27-28.

9 Do not divorce and marry another; this is adultery. Matthew 5:32, 19:9, Mark 10:11-12.

10 Don’t swear an oath. Matthew 5:33-37.

11 Do more than expected; go the 2nd mile. Matthew 5:38-41.

12 Give to those that ask. Matthew 5:42, Luke 6:30, 38.

13 Love, bless and pray for your enemies. Matthew 5:43-48, Luke 6:27-29.

14 Quietly do good for God’s praise alone. Matthew 6:1-4.

15 When you pray, fast, or give, do it secretly. Matthew 6:5-6.

16 Don’t use vain repetitions when praying. Matthew 6:7-8, Mark 12:40.

17 Pray to God the Father. Matthew 6:9, John 16:23-24.

18 Don’t be anxious. Matthew 6:25-32, Luke 12:22-30, John14:1, 16:33.

19 Store your riches in heaven, not on earth. Matthew 6:19-21, 33, Luke 12:21, 31-34, John 12:25.

20 Judge not that you may not be judged. Matthew 7:1-5, Luke 6:37, 41-42, John 7:24.

21 Keep asking, seeking, and knocking. Matthew 6:9-11, 7:7-11, Luke 11:9-13.

22 Treat others as you like to be treated. Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31.

23 Don’t waste time on argumentative people. Matthew 7:6.

24 Forgive others. Matthew 6:12, 14-15, 18:21, Mark 11:25-26, Luke 11:9-13.

25 Let the dead bury their dead. Matthew 8:22, Luke 9:6a.

26 Don’t fear people-fear, God. Matthew 10:28, 16:23, Luke 12:4-5.

27 Confess Christ before men. Matthew 10:32-33, Mark 5:19, 8:38, Luke 9:26, 12:8-9.

28 Take up your cross. Matthew 10:38-39, 16:24-26, Mark 8:34-37, Luke 9:23-26, 14:26-33.

29 Beware of hypocrisy and greed. Matthew 15:6-9, 23:28, Luke 6:41-42, 12:1b, 20:46-47.

30 Privately rebuke a brother and if he repents, forgive him. Matthew 18:15, Luke 17:3-4.

31 Pay your taxes and give to God what is his. Matthew 22:21, Mark 12:17, Luke 20:25, 21:4.

32 Love God and others. Matthew 22:37-40, Mark 12:30-31, Luke 10:27, John 15:12, 13:34-35.

33 Keep alert and watch for the 2nd coming. Matthew 24:44,46, 50-51, Mark 14:62, Luke 12:35-40, 21:27-28.

34 Honour God with all that you have been given. Matthew 25:14-31, Luke 18:18.

35 Minister to others as you would minister to Jesus Himself. Matthew 25:34-46.

36 Preach the Gospel and teach obedience. Matthew 28:20, Mark 16:15, Luke 9:60b, John 21:15b, 16b, 17b.

37 Repent of your sins. Mark 1:15, Luke 13:3,5, Luke 15:7,10, 18-24.

38 Believe in Jesus Mark 16:16, Luke 9:35, John 12:36, 6:29, 20:29, 14:6.

39 Have child-like faith. Mark 10:15, Luke 18:17, Matthew 9:29.

40 Don’t sell things in God’s house. Mark 11:15-17, John 2:16.

41 Rejoice when you are persecuted. Luke 6:22-23.

42 Don’t be distracted from hearing God’s Word. Luke 10:38-42.

43 Act with compassion and not prejudice towards others. Luke 10:30-37.

44 Invite the poor to eat with you. Luke 14:13-14.

45 Humble yourself & take the lowest position Luke 14:8-11, 18:13-14, Matthew 23:12, 19:30.

46 You must be born again. John 3:3, John 3:5-8.

47 Live in Me and live in My love. John 8:31-32, 15:4, 9

48 Love Each other as I have Loved You. John 13:34-35. John 15:12,17

49 Don’t covet your bother’s blessing Luke 12:13-15, 15:29-30

50 Be baptized Matthew 29:19, Mark 16:16

51 Strive for perfection Matthew 5:48, John 15:14

What is the importance of obedience to God?

Obedience to God is essential because it is a sign of faith and loyalty. It shows us we have turned away from selfish, sinful behavior and are seeking to live a life that provides glory to our Creator. When we obey God, we trust in His wisdom and authority. Obedience to God also leads us to a closer relationship, as He promises blessings and rewards for obedient people. We can also live following His will and purpose by following God’s commands. In this way, obedience to God allows us to experience the fullness of His grace and love.

How do Jesus’ commands teach us about obedience?

Jesus’ commands teach us about obedience by emphasizing the importance of loving God and others, being humble and submitting to God’s will, living in His love, and avoiding coveting. Jesus also tells us to be baptized and strive for perfection. All these commands show us that loving Jesus makes obedience to his commands possible and helps us to be loving disciples of Jesus.

What does it mean to obey Jesus’ commands?

To obey Jesus’ commands means to follow His teachings and put them into practice in our lives. This includes living out the principles of love, humility, and submission to God’s will that Jesus taught. It also means striving for perfection, being baptized, and avoiding coveting. In this way, obeying Jesus’ commands is an act of faith and loyalty that allows us to experience the fullness of God’s grace and love.

The importance of recognizing God’s authority and obeying His commands is a central theme in the Bible. Jesus taught that obedience to God’s commands is essential for a healthy and successful relationship with Him. By following Jesus’ commands, we can become more like Him and experience the joy of living in His will.

Practical steps for living out obedience to Jesus’ commands

  1. Read and study the Bible regularly to learn more about Jesus’ teachings.
  2. Pray for guidance and strength to live according to the Creator’s will.
  3. Commit to worshipping our Creator in all areas of life, no matter how difficult.
  4. Seek accountability through discipleship to help each other stay on track with obedience to Jesus’ commands.
  5. Seek to show love daily, such as avoiding gossip, being kind to others, and serving those in need. (And the King will answer them, ‘Don’t you know? When you cared for one of the least important of these, my little ones, my true brothers and sisters, you demonstrated love for me.’ Matthew 25:40)

My Takeaway

Obeying the commands of Jesus is not about earning our salvation; (There is nothing we can do to do that.); it’s about showing Him gratefulness for the beautiful gift of our salvation. Our Lord loves us unconditionally; nothing we can do will make Him love us any more or less. Accepting His gift of salvation is a beautiful thing and a sign of our faith in Him. But it is also essential to show Him our love in return.

Following His commands lets us thank Him for the gift of salvation. We should strive to live according to His teachings and show Him that we appreciate the sacrifice He made for us. We should strive to do good deeds and help others in need. (For just as a human body without the spirit is a dead corpse, so faith without the expression of good works is dead! James 2:26). We should live with love and kindness and ensure that our actions reflect His teachings.

We should also try to spread the message of Jesus to others. We should be evangelists and try to reach out to those who are lost and in need of His love. By doing this, we are showing our gratitude for the gift of salvation and showing Him that we are grateful for His love and mercy.

Following His commands is also a way to show our love for Him. We should follow His teachings in all aspects of our lives and strive to be better people. We should aim to love each other as He loves us and be a living example of His teachings. We should strive to be a light in a dark world and show others the power of His love.

Obeying the commands of Jesus is not at all about earning our salvation; it’s all about showing gratefulness for our salvation. Nothing we can do will make our Lord love us any more or less; accepting His gift of salvation is what it is all about, but we need to be thanking Him with all our love by following His teachings (commands) with a glad heart. We should strive to show Him our love and gratitude for the gift of salvation by living according to His teachings and being a living example of His love and mercy.


Bruce Mitchell is a speaker, writer, and Bible teacher who loves to share God’s Word in everyday life. He has studied at Biola University and Dallas Theological Seminary. His blog (Allelon.us) is all about the principles of Agapao Allelon (Loving One Another) and God’s Mercy, Grace, Love, and Forgiveness and how it applies to our daily lives as Christ-Followers. (1 Peter 4:8)

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