Will You Make Room in Your Life for Jesus?

Jesus’s parents did not have a room to stay in when he was born. Instead, he was put in a manger – a place for animals to rest. This was a sign that Jesus was humble and wanted to be with us and make a place for himself in our lives. But have you ever thought about how to make room for Jesus in your life? How to open the door and give Jesus a place to stay? This article will help you understand why you need to make room for Jesus. Overcoming issues such as busy life, secret sins, bitterness, unforgiveness, self-centeredness, or hurt by religious people.

Introduction to the Topic (Luke 2:7)

One of the most famous verses in the Bible is Luke 2:7, which says, “And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.” This powerful verse speaks of Jesus’ humble beginnings and reminds us that Jesus should have a place in our lives as well. We should make room for Jesus in our lives and hearts, which is what this article is about.

What Does It Mean to Make Room for Jesus in Your Life?

Making room for Jesus in your life means you have opened the door and given him a place to stay. It means that you have cleared all the distractions and made space for Jesus to come and stay in your life. It means that you have given up the things of this world, and allowed Jesus to take their place. It means that you have allowed Jesus to be the center of your life, and that everything else is secondary.

Benefits of Making Room in Your Life for Jesus

When you make room in your life for Jesus, you will experience many benefits. The first benefit is that you will begin to experience a closer relationship with God. You will have a deeper understanding of His Word, and you will be able to feel His presence powerfully. You will also experience a sense of peace and joy that comes from having Jesus in your life. You will also find that your worries and anxieties will disappear as you allow Jesus to take their place.

The second benefit of making room in your life for Jesus is that you will be able to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. When you allow Jesus to be the center of your life, you will be able to make better decisions because His Word will guide you. You will also be able to focus on the things that truly matter, such as loving others and serving God.

The third benefit of making room in your life for Jesus is that you will be able to overcome the struggles and challenges that life throws at you. When you make room for Jesus in your life, you will have a source of strength and comfort that will help you to keep going even when the going gets tough. You will also be able to find hope and peace amid adversity.

Reasons for Not Making Room for Jesus

There are several reasons why people may struggle to make room for Jesus in their lives. The first reason is that people may be too busy with their day-to-day lives to make time for Jesus. They may have so many things on their plate that they don’t have enough time to stop and think about their relationship with God.

The second reason is that people may be afraid to confront the secret sins in their lives. They may not want to admit that they have done wrong and must ask for forgiveness. They may feel ashamed or embarrassed, so they avoid making room for Jesus.

The third reason is that people may be holding onto bitterness and unforgiveness. They may be so focused on their pain and hurt that they are unable to open their hearts and make room for Jesus. They may be so consumed with their own emotions that they are unable to focus on the love of God.

The fourth reason is that people may be so focused on themselves that they are unable to make room for Jesus. They may be so caught up in their own needs and wants that they are unable to see the big picture and recognize the importance of making room for Jesus in their lives.

The fifth reason is that religious people may have hurt people. They may have had bad experiences with religion or with people who claim to follow God, so they may be unwilling to make room for Jesus in their lives.

Overcoming Busy Life

If you struggle to make room for Jesus because you are too busy, then the first step is to prioritize your time. It is essential to make time for God each day, even for only a few minutes. Take some time out of your day to pray, read the Bible, or just sit in silence and meditate on God’s love.

It is also essential to be mindful of how you spend your time. Make sure you are not spending too much of your day on activities that do not bring you closer to God. Getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of life is easy, but it is essential to remember that God should be the center of your life.

Finally, it is important to be organized. Make a schedule and stick to it. Make sure that you set aside time each day to spend with God and make the most of that time.

Confronting Secret Sins

If you struggle to make room for Jesus because you are afraid to confront your secret sins, then the first step is acknowledging that you have done wrong. It is important to be honest with yourself about your wrongdoings and to recognize the need for forgiveness.

The second step is to ask for forgiveness. You need to humble yourself and ask for God’s forgiveness. You need to accept the forgiveness that He offers and move forward with a clean slate.

The third step is to commit to living a life of holiness. You need to be willing to turn away from sin and toward righteousness. This means that you must strive to do what is right in God’s eyes and live according to His will.

Dealing with Bitterness and Unforgiveness

Suppose you struggle to make room for Jesus because you are holding onto bitterness and unforgiveness. In that case, the first step is recognizing that you are stuck in this cycle. It is important to be honest about the pain and hurt you have been carrying around.

The second step is to forgive. You need to be willing to let go of your anger and hurt and to forgive the person who has wronged you. You must be willing to give up your right to revenge and choose love and forgiveness instead.

The third step is to forgive yourself. You need to be willing to accept that you are human and that you make mistakes. You need to forgive yourself for your mistakes and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose.

How to Stop Being Self-centered

If you are struggling to make room for Jesus because you are too focused on yourself, then the first step is to recognize that you are self-centered. It is important to be honest with yourself about the fact that you have been focusing too much on yourself and not enough on God.

The second step is to practice humility. You need to be willing to humble yourself and recognize that you are not the center of the universe. You must be willing to put God first and remember He is in control.

The third step is to serve others. You need to be willing to put the needs of others before your own. You need to be ready to be selfless and to recognize that God wants us to serve one another.

Coping with Hurt from Religious People

If you are struggling to make room for Jesus because religious people have hurt you, then the first step is to recognize that it is not God who has hurt you. It is important to remember that God is a loving and kind God and would never hurt anyone.

The second step is to forgive. You need to forgive the people who have hurt you and let go of your anger and hurt. You need to be willing to accept that people make mistakes and that God loves us despite our imperfections.

The third step is to start fresh. You must be willing to start over and open your heart to God. You need to be ready to give Him a chance and to recognize that He is the one who can heal your hurt and pain.

Bible Verses to Help with Making Room for Jesus

Many Bible verses can help you to make room for Jesus in your life.

The first is Isaiah 43:18-19 which says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” This verse reminds us to let go of the past and focus on the present. To make room for Jesus, we need to forget the things of the past and focus on the new things that God is doing in our lives.

The second verse is Colossians 3:2, which says, “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” This verse reminds us to focus on God and not on the things of this world. To make room for Jesus, we need to be focused on Him and not on the things of this world.

The third verse is Luke 14:33, which says, “In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.” This verse reminds us that we must be willing to let go of the things of this world in order to make room for Jesus in our lives. We must be willing to surrender all of our possessions and our desires to make room for Jesus.

Conclusion: Making Room for Jesus in your Life

Making room for Jesus is an important step in your spiritual journey. It is a way to open the door and allow Jesus to enter your life. It is a way to let Him be the center of your life and experience all of the benefits of having Jesus.

Jesus was not given a room when he was born; they put him in the manger. Will you make room for him now, or will you continue to keep him out of your life? Take the time to reflect on this question and make the decision to make room for Jesus in your life. It is a decision that you will not regret.

Bruce Mitchell
1 Peter 4:8

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