I’m a Christ-Follower. Following Christ isn’t about escaping the fires of hell. It’s not about raising your hand when no one is looking to join a club. It’s about daily picking up your cross, and it shows through the fruit of the spirit in your life.

It is often said that the only thing that will get you into heaven is a relationship with Jesus Christ. But following Jesus is much more than that. It isn’t about avoiding hell, or just attending church on Sundays; it’s about living out the teachings of Jesus Christ each and every day. It’s about picking up your cross daily and bearing it with joy, and it’s about showing the fruit of the spirit in your life. Being a Christ-follower is an incredible journey of growth and transformation, and it’s a journey that requires dedication and commitment. With Jesus by our side, we can learn what it means to truly live a disciple’s life.

What is a Christ-follower?

A Christ-follower is someone who has placed their trust in Jesus Christ and has surrendered their life to Him. Christ-followers are devoted to living a life in which the teaching of Christ is demonstrated through the fruit of the spirit. A Christ-follower strives to be like Jesus Christ in every aspect. A Christ-follower follows Jesus Christ, has surrendered their life to Him, and has dedicated their life to living out His teachings. A Christ-follower is someone who knows that following Jesus isn’t about escaping the fires of hell. Instead, it’s about picking up your cross daily and showing the fruit of the spirit in your life.

The importance of a relationship with Jesus

First, we must understand the importance of a relationship with Jesus. In order to follow Jesus, we must first have a relationship with Him. It’s crucial that we understand that a relationship with Jesus isn’t a decision that we make once, and then we’re done. Instead, it’s a daily decision to place our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, and it’s a daily decision to surrender our lives to Him. This relationship is built on having a deep and genuine love for Jesus, and on having a deep appreciation for all, He has done for us. A relationship with Jesus isn’t just something that Christians do; it’s something that all people need. All people have a desire deep within them to be truly loved and accepted, and a relationship with Jesus gives us that. It’s through a relationship with Jesus that we have the ability to live a life that is truly full, and it’s through a relationship with Jesus that we have the ability to become everything that He created us to be.

Picking up your cross daily

If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.
Luke 9:23

Next, we need to understand the importance of picking up your cross daily. One of the first teachings we hear from Jesus in the New Testament is that we must pick up our cross and follow Him. This doesn’t mean that we need to be crucified literally; it means that we need to put our faith into action. Pick up your cross by committing yourself to do your best and by sacrificing your own desires for the good of others. Pick up your cross by dedicating yourself to showing love to others and to living out love in your everyday life. The concept of picking up your cross isn’t about being given a heavier load to bear; it’s about being given a new purpose in life. Your cross isn’t meant to weigh you down; it’s intended to help you grow into the person that you were meant to be. As you pick up your cross daily, you’ll discover that you have the opportunity to transform your life and you have the ability to impact the lives of those around you in a positive way.

Bearing the Fruit of the Spirit

But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions:
joy that overflows,
peace that subdues,
patience that endures,
kindness in action,
a life full of virtue,
faith that prevails,
gentleness of heart, and
strength of spirit.
Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless.
Galatians 5:22–23

Next, we need to understand the importance of bearing the fruit of the spirit. The fruit of the spirit isn’t a list of things we can do or something we can avoid doing in order to get into heaven. Instead, it’s a list of what happens when a Christ-follower lives out their relationship with Jesus each and every day. The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. When we make the decision to follow Jesus, we make a decision to put our faith into action. We make a decision to dedicate our lives to living out the teachings of Jesus. As a Christ-follower, you must make a daily decision to bear the fruit of the spirit in your life. You don’t make the decision to live out these traits in your everyday life. The Holy Spirit enables you to live them by your living for God. It’s through bearing the fruit of the spirit in your life that you show the world that you are a Christ-follower. It’s through bearing the fruit of the spirit that you show others that there is hope and love in this world.

Living out the teachings of Jesus

Next, we need to understand the importance of living out the teachings of Jesus. A Christ-follower knows that the teachings of Jesus are relevant and applicable to their daily lives. A Christ-follower knows that the teachings of following Jesus will lead them to a happier, more fulfilling life. These teachings aren’t just for the people of the past; these teachings are for the people of today. They are for you, and they are for me. The teachings of Jesus are simple, and they apply to everyone. The teachings of Jesus are about loving others, and they are about letting go of self-doubt and living a life full of hope and faith. The teachings of Jesus are about letting go of hatred and judgment, and they are about letting go of anger and bitterness. The teachings of Jesus are about letting go of greed, and they are about letting go of negativity. The teachings of Jesus are about letting go of unhealthy habits and addictions, and they are about letting go of unhelpful thoughts and emotions. The teachings of Jesus are about letting go of unhealthy relationships, and they are about letting go of unhealthy desires. The teachings of Jesus are about letting go of unhealthy addictions, and they are about letting go of unhealthy cravings and desires.

Dedication and commitment to the journey

Finally, we need to understand the importance of dedication and commitment to the journey. A Christ-follower knows that it takes dedication and commitment to follow Jesus. It isn’t an easy journey, and it isn’t a quick journey. It’s a long and challenging journey, and it requires grit and determination. It requires us to keep our eyes on the prize, and it requires us to stay focused on the end goal. A Christ-follower knows that there will be ups and downs on this journey, and they know that there will be challenges and obstacles, but they also know that there is grace and mercy along the way. A Christ-follower knows that they are never alone, and they know that they have a strength and a power inside of them that can help them overcome any challenge. A Christ-follower knows that the journey is always worth it, and they know that the journey is something that they must do for themselves. It’s something that they must do for their souls. It’s something that they must do for the sake of their hearts, and it’s something that they must do for the sake of their minds.

The importance of having Jesus by our side

Finally, we need to understand the importance of having Jesus by our side. A Christ-follower knows that having Jesus by their side is essential to the journey. It’s important to remember that this journey is never-ending; it’s a journey that continues throughout our entire lives. It’s important to have Jesus by our side during both the good times and the bad times. It’s important to have Jesus by our side when we experience failure, when we experience heartbreak, and when we experience loss. It’s important to have Jesus by our side when we experience success and when everything seems to be going right in our lives. It’s important to have Jesus by our side when life is easy and when life is complicated. It’s important to have Jesus by our side when we are weak and when we are strong. It’s important to have Jesus by our side when we feel like we can do everything on our own, and it is essential to have Jesus close by when we feel like we can’t do anything.

Bruce Mitchell
1 Peter 4:8

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