Walking in the Light of God’s Love: The First Letter of John

What comes to mind when you think of John and his first letter? Love. Right? Love, love, love! That’s what makes it so different from the other two epistles that bear John’s name. But is that really all there is? Is there more to this letter than just a Letter of love? Let’s find out.

A little background info

Let’s start with a bit of background info. In John’s first letter, it is believed that 1 John was written around AD 85. His second and third letters are believed to have been written between AD 85-90. It is also thought they were written in the city of Ephesus, and in all three letters, John wanted to pass on some last words of advice as he neared his end.

Ephesus – Location, location, location

Ephesus was a bustling, cosmopolitan city on the coast of Asia Minor. It was one of the largest cities in the Roman world and an important trading center. It had a vibrant economy that made its mark in the ancient world. You can see some of its grandeur today in the ruins at Ephesus in modern-day Turkey. Ephesus was also a thriving center of the worship of the goddess Artemis (Diana in Latin), with a Temple that was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. When the apostle Paul came through town, he had quite an encounter with a silversmith named Demetrius, who had a workshop in the Temple. This was the incident that led to Paul’s first letter to Timothy. As far as we can tell, Paul never wrote to the church at Ephesus but only visited there during his third missionary journey.

Knowing the truth and walking in the light of it

John begins by reminding his readers of the importance of knowing the truth and walking in the light of it. He writes: “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God because God is love.” This is the essence of the letter. You can’t separate love from God. He is love. He is the source of love. Without love, there is no God.

Beloved Children of God

So John continues with a beautiful description of his readers as beloved children of God. He reminds them of their calling and promise as God’s children. He reminds them of their inheritance: “God is faithful and will not let you be mistreated without justice. He will not let you be mistreated without justice. But if you endure mistreatment, God is faithful and just, and he will punish those who mistreat you. And when you have suffered for the sake of Christ, you will receive the reward he promised.” This is the heart of the letter – that God will not leave us nor forsake us. We are his children, and he loves us. We are his inheritance, and he will not squander it but bring it to our lives.

The darkness and the light are both around us

This love of God is in the midst of the evil and deception that was rampant at that time in Ephesus. There was no love in the Temple of Artemis, just bloodshed and death. There was no love in the city, just wickedness, violence, and injustice. John tells his readers, “But you, children of the light, you are like children playing a game in the open air. You are like the children who run around a city. Such children have no guard or protection. If a robber comes, he will steal from them. And if a robber is in the open air, he catches sight of what they are doing. But your words are like a person who is in the dark. And your words are like a person who is inside a house. No one can see what they are doing.” There is a great darkness and evil surrounding us, but we are not of that and can’t be affected by it. We are the children of the light. We live in the light and have the protection of the light. But we must keep our words pure, true, and full of love for all. We must be careful with our words and actions.

A word to the wise – Be diligent and discerning

John then offers a word to the wise – don’t hang out with people who are not of the light. Don’t be deceived by their words and actions. For they are not of the light. Instead, You say, “Let us love one another.” But you do not practice this love. You say, “Let us love one another.” But you hate your brother. You do not do what you say. Do not be deceived, my dear children. Practice love; keep your words pure and full of love like the light that is in you. Be diligent and discerning. For the light is not in the dark, and the dark does not know the light.

Last words: Hold fast to what is good.

Lastly, John says, hold fast to what is good and to that which is written in his letter. Don’t let anything or anyone lead you away from the truth. Hold fast to that which is good, and don’t be deceived by the darkness around you. Let the light shine in you and through you. “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God because God is love.” This is the letter. This is what John wants us to know and understand. This is what he wants to share with us. It’s the core of who he is as a person and what he wants us to know and understand about God. It’s this love that will lead us out of the darkness, guide us through the deception and bring us into the light. This love will transform our lives and make us into the people we are meant to be.


And so, we come to the conclusion of the first letter of John. There is so much more beyond the Letter of love. This letter holds many treasures for those who will read and understand it. The love of God is a treasure that we must grasp firmly and never let go of.

Bruce Mitchell
1 Peter 4:8

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