Agapao Allelon, Christ’s command to his Church.

The command to love one another as He has loved us is not just a suggestion but a mandate for every believer and follower of Christ. It is THE primary command that led Jesus throughout His ministry on earth and to the cross. The command to love one another, or “Agapao Allelon” in Greek, means to love selflessly and unconditionally with no strings attached. To put it simply, Agapao Allelon means we are to Love one another as Christ Loves us. (Read John 13:34-35, 15:12-17).

The Reality of Agapao Allelon.

The term Agape (Love) in Agapao Allelon is one of the strongest forms of love there is. While there are several types of love, Agape love is a love that is unconditional, sacrificial, and selfless. It is a love that cares for the well-being of others, even when it may not be reciprocated or when others do not even show appreciation. Agapao Allelon is a love that will go above and beyond the call of duty, devoting all its efforts and resources for the good of another, even when that good may not be recognized or returned. Examples of this love include a husband who cares for his wife when she is sick, a parent who educates their child, or a friend who is there for another friend in their time of need. Agapao Allelon is the purest form of love.

How to Love One Another as Christ Loves us.

Christians should strive to love one another with selfless love. This means that we should put the needs of others before our own and recognize that we are all one body. We are to treat others the way Christ has treated us and the way He still treats us. In doing so, we demonstrate genuine love for others because it is not dependent on their actions or behavior. Instead, it is shown regardless of their responses or appreciation. If we love one another, it will be evident in what we do, not in what we say. If we genuinely love others, we will be willing to sacrifice for them. We will also be patient with others and forgive them when they need forgiveness.

Why Loving One Another is so Hard.

Loving one another is so difficult because we often forget that Christ extends that same selfless love to each of us. It’s easy to be selfish and only think of our own needs when we are surrounded by people who are different from us. It’s easy to judge others based on their appearance, race, culture, wealth, or job or to see them solely as a means to an end. Another reason we have difficulty loving one another is that we don’t always know how to love others in a Christlike way. We may not know how to show love in a healthy, Biblical way. We may not know what love looks like in different situations. We may not know how to love someone who has hurt us or who is different from us.

The Rewards of Loving One Another.

When we love one another, we are showing Christ’s love to the world. We are living out our faith and setting an excellent example for those around us. Loving one another also brings us joy because we are bringing hope to those around us. We are giving them the opportunity to find Christ, and we are allowing God to work through us. While loving one another may feel scary at times, when we offer Christ’s love to others, we are showing them God’s love. They may not understand or appreciate our efforts, but God knows that we are trying to follow His example. He will take our meager offerings and make them something beautiful.

Bruce Mitchell
1 Peter 4:8

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