Love One Another – The Unspoken Commandment of the Bible

The Bible certainly touches on a number of different aspects of life. It covers topics like ethics, morality, and spirituality. The Bible even speaks about love. Quite a bit, actually. But there’s one type of love that isn’t talked about all that much: Agapao love (also known as unconditional love). When you read the New Testament, it becomes clear that a lot is left unsaid. Many passages imply an unspoken commandment that goes something like this: “Love one another” (see John 13:34-35; Romans 13:8; 1 Thessalonians 4:9, 1 John 4:11-12). But what exactly does this mean? Keep reading to find out more!

What Exactly Is Agapao Love?

First, let’s talk about what agapao love actually is. Agapao love is sometimes referred to as “unconditional love” or “perfect love.” This is the “highest” form of love there is in the Bible. It’s a love that is entirely selfless, a love that seeks to bring joy to others without any desire to get anything in return. It’s a love that doesn’t need to be earned or proven. This type of love isn’t just something we should feel towards our significant others or our children. Instead, it’s something that we should feel towards everyone in our lives.

How Can We Agapao Each Other?

There are a number of different ways that we can agapao each other in real life. For starters, you can always be sure to treat your fellow Christians with respect. Be sure to put your differences aside and love one another as fellow followers of Christ. It’s important to remember that Christianity is a religion of forgiveness. Another way to agapao others is to be sure to help others in need. Be sure to lend a hand when you can, whether a family member or a stranger. There’s no better way to agapao someone than to help them when they need it most.

Why Are Acts of Service Important To Agapao Love?

There are several reasons why acts of service are so important to agapao love. First, being a giver makes you feel good. You can’t help but feel euphoric when you’re doing something nice for someone else. It’s a great way to boost your mood and keep your mental health in check. Being generous also has an impact on the people you’re helping. It can be a compelling and moving experience to be on the receiving end of a kind act. It can help you to realize that you’re not alone and that there are people who care about you. It can help to build a stronger sense of community and fellowship.

Shouldn’t We Also Be Focused on Being Kind to One Another?

Yes! Being kind to one another is a very important part of agapao love. But it’s important to remember that these two things are different and serve different functions. Being kind is more about showing appreciation and expressing feelings of goodwill. Being kind is about giving to others and sharing your gifts. It’s about caring for one another and making each other feel loved and wanted. Being kind is often a more inward-focused act. Acts of service, on the other hand, are aimed outward. Acts of service are meant to benefit others. Being kind is a wonderful way to express your love and affection for others. But being kind is not the same thing as agapao love.

How Can Knowing About This Unspoken Commandment Change the Way You View the Bible?

This unspoken commandment is something that many Christians are completely unaware of. It’s something that can completely change the way you view the Bible. Instead of seeing the passages in the New Testament as a bunch of disconnected thoughts, you can see them as part of one big message: Christianity is about loving one another. This unspoken commandment can also help you to feel more connected to your faith. It can help you see the Bible not just as a collection of ancient writings but as a guide for living your life in the modern world. Knowing that agapao love is a commandment that isn’t explicitly stated in the Bible can help you to put everything into perspective.


One thing that stands out when you read the Bible is that it’s not just full of commands. There are also a lot of sayings and implied statements. There are a lot of things that are left unsaid. We know that the Bible is a book about love. But there’s one type of love that isn’t talked about all that much: agapao love. Knowing that agapao love is a commandment that isn’t explicitly stated in the Bible can help you to put everything into perspective. It can help you to feel more connected to your faith. It can also help you to feel more connected to others and come away from your reading with a message to apply to your life.



Bruce Mitchell is a speaker, writer, and Bible teacher who loves to share God’s Word in everyday life. He has studied at Biola University and Dallas Theological Seminary. His blog ( is all about the principles of Agapao Allelon (Loving One Another) and God’s Mercy, Grace, Love, and Forgiveness and how it applies to our daily lives as Christ-Followers. (1 Peter 4:8)

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