Oh Lord, You’re Beautiful

When we are in the presence of God, it is easy to become overwhelmed by how amazingly beautiful He is. But God wants so much more for us than simply being awestruck by His breathtaking splendor. Instead, the Lord longs for us to see Him for who He truly is on the inside: our Father. There is something profoundly beautiful about a father’s love for his child. There’s nothing like it; no other type of love even comes close to comparing. When we see this same kind of unselfish love exhibited by our heavenly Father toward us as His children, it leaves an indelible mark upon our souls. It also gives us a glimpse into how much He actually loves us, which causes our hearts to go out to Him in return with that same level of affection.

Watch And Learn

Before attempting to see God with our eyes, we must first learn to hear Him with our ears. This means we must spend time in His presence daily, carefully listening to what He has to say. If we spend time with Him each day, then He is sure to reveal Himself to us in a special way. However, we must be sure to learn how to hear from Him properly. In order to do this, we must set aside any preconceived notions we may have about God and just allow ourselves to be receptive to what He wants to say. We must set aside our fear and allow the Lord to do as He pleases; only then can we be sure that we are in His presence.

Don’t Be Afraid To Look

Perhaps one of the reasons we don’t see God as He truly is is because we are afraid to look at Him. We may be afraid that we won’t be able to handle the sheer magnitude of His glory and splendor; this may be true. But we don’t realize that we are missing out on an extraordinary gift that the Lord wants to give us by not looking at Him. Remember, God is love, and He wants to pour out that love upon us through the gift of His presence. So don’t be afraid to look at Him; invite Him into your heart and experience the love He has for you. It is an infinitely beautiful gift that is well worth accepting.

Seeing God Through The Veil

In the same way that we mustn’t be afraid to look at God, we must also not become so enamored by His beauty that we miss out on His message for us. God is beautiful, yes, but He is also the ultimate purpose for our existence. And yet sometimes, we can become so focused on how awe-inspiring God is that we forget this fundamental truth. The veil covering our hearts must be lifted so that we can see God for who He truly is; we must be able to know the message He is trying to convey to us, and we can only do this if the veil is removed. And the only way to do this is to truly behold God’s glory in all of its splendor and magnificence.

He Is Our Refuge

God is a refuge; He is a safe place where we can go to escape the storms of life. He is the place where we can go to find shelter when all hope has seemingly been lost. But the only way we can fully experience the fantastic benefits of having a refuge is if we actually go to that refuge. We must actively seek out God in prayer and then wait patiently for Him to respond to us; only when we go to the source of our refuge can we fully reap the benefits of having a safe place to run to when times get tough. Being a refuge is an amazing and beautiful thing, but it is also an essential thing. We mustn’t take this gift for granted but actively seek and wait for the Lord to respond to our cries for help.

He Is Our Strength

Sometimes the storms of life are so intense that we don’t even know how we will survive them; all hope seems to be lost. But we must remember that God is our strength, and He won’t let us fall. He will lift us up when we have been knocked down and help us stand again; He will give us the strength to persevere through the storm, even when we don’t think we can go on. We must, however, come to God in prayer and ask for His assistance; we must actively seek Him out and ask for His strength so that we can get through whatever trial we are facing. Without reaching out to God, we will be left to face the storm on our own, and we will fall.


The Lord is a beautiful and amazing God, and He is just waiting for us to take the time to behold His splendor. He is eager for us to behold His glory and magnificence so that we can truly see who He is. He isn’t just a God who creates the world and then sits idly by while we destroy it; He is a God who loves us so dearly that He sent His only begotten Son to die for us. He is a God who wants to pour out His love upon us, and He longs for us to respond to that love by loving Him back. He is an amazingly beautiful being, and He is just waiting for us to behold His glory and magnificence so that we can truly see who He is.

Oh Lord, You’re Beautiful By Keith Green


Bruce Mitchell

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