Did You Know That These Christian Words Are Not Found In The Bible?

‍Did you know that many popular Christian words and phrases aren’t found in the Bible? It’s true. The Christian faith is centered on principles found in Scripture, but there are a lot of common sayings and phrases that aren’t actually in the Bible. If you’re a Christian, you likely use many different words and phrases to discuss your faith. Some of these expressions might be so commonplace that they feel like they must be found somewhere in the Bible. However, as it turns out, many of these words are not included anywhere in the New Testament or any other part of Scripture. Unless you read from an alternate translation (such as the MSG, NET, NLT, NIV, or TPT), these words and phrases do not appear anywhere in the Bible. So what does this mean for Christians who regularly use them? Should we avoid using them altogether?

What does this mean for Christians who regularly use these words?

First, it doesn’t mean that the words are wrong or that you shouldn’t use them. In fact, many of the terms included in this list are commonly used phrases that have deep meaning and provide helpful insights. The problem is that these words and phrases are not actually in the Bible, so they don’t have the same authority and significance as words found in Scripture. This means that these words can’t be used to soundly and accurately describe what the Bible teaches.

Why are there so many Christian words not found in the Bible?

As with most things, it’s helpful to know the history of these words and phrases to understand why they’re not found in Scripture. Some of these words are a combination of two or three key Bible words to create a new term or phrase. For example, the word soul competes with the word spirit in the Bible. So one of the ways Christian words not found in the Bible can come about is by combining two or more words in the Bible and combining them to create a new word. Other times, the explanation for why these words are not in the Bible is that they are unnecessary. Sometimes a word or phrase already exists that perfectly captures what a Christian is talking about, so there’s no reason to create a new phrase.

Which words and phrases are not included in the Bible?

The following are a few of the most common words not found in the Bible: – The word Bible is not in the Bible. – The word Christianity is not in the Bible. – The word Trinity is not in the Bible. – The word church is not in the Bible. – The word pastor is not in the Bible. – The word Jesus Christ is not in the Bible.

The word “Bible” is not in the Bible.

Let us start here; most people are unaware that the word Bible actually isn’t found in the Bible. Instead, the word found in the Bible is “Scripture.” This is the word used in places like 2 Timothy 3:16-17. The word Bible is actually a word that people use to describe the Bible. In other words, the Bible is Scripture, but the word Bible is not in the Bible.

The word “Christianity” is not in the Bible.

Here is another one people are surprised to learn, the word Christianity is not in the Bible. The words Christ, follower, and Christian are all found in the Bible. However, the words Christ and follower are not used together. Christianity is actually a word used to describe the faith and beliefs of those who follow Jesus Christ. The term Christianity was developed in the 3rd and 4th centuries by various religious leaders and scholars as a way to describe the beliefs of people who followed Jesus Christ. Keep in mind that the word Christianity is not found in the Bible. The words Christ and follower are, but they are not used together to describe Christians’ beliefs. The root word “Christian” is technically in the Bible. However, I am including this for interest’s sake because it appears much less than you might expect in the book, which gave birth to the religion. In fact, the word ‘Christian’ only appears three times in the Bible. The early church was called “Christians” by the powers-that-be for the first time in Antioch (Acts 11:26). But it wasn’t a name Jesus’ disciples gave to themselves — it was a name given to them by outsiders of the faith. In fact, the term “Christian” — literally meaning “little Christ” was given somewhat flippantly or even derogatorily. It WAS NOT a term of endearment. Back then, you could imagine someone using the word ‘Christians’ with a dismissive wave of the hand and a roll of the eyes. When you think about it, not much has changed, really. Aside from Acts 11:26, the word “Christian” is used only two other times in the New Testament: in Acts 26:28 (by Agrippa, an unbelieving King that applied the name he knew as an outsider) and 1 Peter 4:16 in the context of enduring all the suffering associated with the title.

The word “Trinity” is not in the Bible.

For both my Bachelor’s Degree as well as my Master’s, I had to sit through entire subjects dedicated to the Holy Trinity, which is interesting because the word “Trinity” isn’t in the Bible. The word Trinity comes from the Latin trinitas, which means “a group of three.” So while the word trinity is not found in the Bible, the concept is. The idea of the Trinity is found throughout Scripture. The Bible describes God as being a trinity of three persons who are one God. Many verses support this in both the Old and New Testaments, including Psalm 82, Mark 12:29-30, and John 14:6. Trinity is commonly used to describe God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. However, the word Trinity is not found in the Bible.

The first recorded use of the word “Trinity” was by Theophilus (also) of Antioch, writing in the late 2nd century. The concept of “Trinity” was first formulated by early Christians in their attempt to understand the relationship between Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. And while it doesn’t appear in the Bible, I actually find it a compelling idea. The reason for that is simple (well, as simple as Trinitarian theology can be): God is love. But love doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Love needs an object. You cannot love unless that love is directed towards something or someone. Thus, if God truly is love, he cannot exist as a singular entity. But the idea of the father, son, and spirit existing as a plurality of persons means that love is possible. The father loves the son. The son loves the spirit. The spirit loves the father — and round and round it goes.

Does that make sense to you? Yeah, me neither. But somethings, we must live in faith.

The word “Church” is not found anywhere in the Bible.

The first time it was used to refer to a group of Christians was in Antioch around A.D. 45. It was a derogatory term used by non-believers to describe followers of Jesus who had left their synagogues and were gathering together to worship Jesus as the Messiah.

The Bible is a book that Christians believe to be the word of God, and it is their primary religious text. The Bible does not mention the word “church” once, but it does mention other words like synagogue, temple, and tabernacle.

The Bible was written at different times in history by different people in different places. This means there are many different perspectives on what Jesus did and said. One of these perspectives is called The Word Church, and they believe that Jesus was alive before he came to Earth as a human being. They also believe that he will come back to Earth as an angel in the future and judge everyone who has ever lived on Earth. Most Christians do not accept this perspective because it contradicts what the Bible says about Jesus coming back as a human being.

The Church is an institution that has been around for centuries. It serves as a spiritual community for people of all faiths and beliefs. It is often seen as the cornerstone of society, providing a place to worship, fellowship, and grow spiritually.

However, the word “church” is not found in the Bible. The Greek word ekklesia (meaning assembly) is used instead. In fact, the English word “church” comes from a Germanic root meaning “to be called out.”

 The word “Pastor” is not found in the Bible.

Next, the word “pastor” is not found in the Bible. However, the idea of a pastor as a spiritual leader can be traced back to the Book of Acts, where Jesus sends out his disciples to “preach and teach everything that he commanded” (Acts 1:8). In Acts 20:28, Paul refers to Epaphroditus as “my fellow worker in Christ Jesus.” Some scholars believe that this passage is evidence that Epaphroditus was serving as a pastor-like figure for Paul and his ministry team while they were away from home. Yet, the word “pastor” is not in the Bible. The word “pastor” is a Latin word meaning “shepherd.” The Bible does mention shepherds and shepherd-like figures, but never a pastor.

But when you think about it, it is a common misconception that the word “pastor” does not exist in the Bible. Because if we look at the original Greek text, we will find that two words in the New Testament translate to “pastor.” One is “poimen,” which means shepherd or pastor. The other is “poimenas,” which means shepherds or pastors.

The phrase “Jesus Christ” is not in the Bible.

Finally, the word “Jesus Christ” is not in the Bible. The name Jesus is mentioned more than 905 times in the New Testament. The word Christ is mentioned 14 times in the New Testament. However, the phrase “Jesus Christ” is not mentioned at all in the New Testament. The English word Christ comes from the Greek word christos, which means “anointed one.”


The Bible is the most widely read and translated book in the world. It has been translated into more than 2,000 languages and dialects. The Bible is a collection of texts that tells the story of God’s relationship with humanity. The Bible comprises 66 books written by 40 different authors over about 1,500 years. Many of our English words are not found in the Bible because they did not exist when it was first written.


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