Put Up With Each Other

This morning I was reading Ephesians and in Chapter 4, verses 1-3, and what I found as I looked at the Greek words behind the English in the passage.

 I, therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1-3

Walklive, conduct oneself, walk, always more exactly defined


Called – summon or invite

HumilityLowness of mind,



BearingPutting up with

LovePutting others first

Bond fastener


So, to paraphrase Paul…

I Paul, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to live in a manner worthy of the invitation to which you have been invited, with humbleness and meekness, with endurance put up with each other’s faults by thinking of others before yourself, wanting to keep that unity which comes from the Spirit and is joined with the reconciliation of the saints.

As I looked at Ephesians 4:4-6, I got what Paul was saying.

There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Ephesians 4:4-6

Let’s face it we as Christians do not show the love that Christ commanded in John 13:34-35. Sadly, the world does not recognize us by our love but by our fighting. We fight over theology (Calvinism vs. Arminianism, Reformed vs. Fundamentalism, Covenant vs. Dispensationalism). Bible translations (KJV vs. ESV vs. NIV vs. NLT etc.)  Baptism (Sprinkle vs. dunk (Forward or back or even self-dunk (yes, that’s real) Baby vs. adult)  oh and don’t let me get started with all the differences with denominations)  no wonder the world doesn’t want to be a part of all this fighting, yet Paul tells us to put up with each other’s faults in a spirit of unity in a manner worthy of the invitation (the Gospel) that we have been summoned to.


Paul said it best in 4-6. The is one body, one Spirit, One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, and one God. So, if we are humble and meek, we are not going to “get into each other’s faces about things. We will endure our brothers and sisters in love to maintain that bond of peace. 

But what if they are really wrong?   Then, in that case, I am going to say we star in prayer. Billy Graham once said, “Before prayer changes others, it first changes us” If you are sincerely concerned and not just acting out of pride, pray that the Holy Spirit will guide your path and your words and deed. It is this important to the Spirit: allow him to guide your direction and words. Next, go to this person in private (Matthew 18:15). Perhaps the two of you are saying the same (or similar) things, but because of the way they have been stated, it doesn’t sound like you are, talking about them privately,  be willing to listen to them as well as the Spirit in Love, in meekness and humility be prepared to learn. If after you meet, you still feel they are in the wrong. Then move on to Matthew 18:16, and go to them with one or two others to discuss the issue, again in prayer.

Finally, if that doesn’t resolve the conflict, go to those over you, discuss it with them, and if necessary, meet again, but ask, “is this something worthy of a huge disagreement with my brother or sister in Christ?”  I currently only have three items on my list that will lead to a sharp disagreement;

1. Jesus is God, always has been, always will be. He is not a created being.

2. I am saved by the shed blood of Jesus Christ alone. I can do nothing to add to that or take away from it. I only have to accept his gift.   And…

3. As written in the original language, the Bible is wholly accurate and infallible. 

Let’s follow Paul’s teaching here, work toward that peace with your fellow believers that fastens us to each other, be worthy in the life we have been summoned to, and be meek and humble we need to endure and put up with each other. We need to Love One another, just as Christ loved us, so that the world will know we are Christ’s disciples. After all, that is what Christ commanded in John 13:34-35

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Bruce Mitchell Bear With, One Another

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